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Articles by HedonistSwitch87

HedonistSwitch87 36 M
5  Articles
Scam Profiles   10/5/2019

Why isn;t there any action taken on all the fake profiles? Seems like the company could care less about hacks, theft, etc.....

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
HedonistSwitch87 36 M
5  Articles
Fitness   10/5/2019

I think fitness is essential for all people to actually be healthy and feel their best. Saves you money in the long run for medical bills too. BUt hey live your life the way you want to.

0 Comments, 12 Views, 0 Votes
HedonistSwitch87 36 M
5  Articles
Random points   10/5/2019

How many people would actually pay that ridiculous price for a shitty product?

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
HedonistSwitch87 36 M
5  Articles
dont give up   10/5/2019

Keep fighting and dont giveup

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
HedonistSwitch87 36 M
5  Articles
random   10/5/2019

more random post for random points. canthate me for it

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes